Tweamster's Blog

Being Poor Is Not Your Fault…

July 14, 2012
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Staying Poor Is

Today’s article comes courtesy of Grant Cardone – supersales trainer extraordinaire.  Being a sales trainer, he is talking about sales in particular, but his advice applies just as well to network marketing as it does to any other area of life.

Enjoy the article. Leave a comment so I know you were here!

To your success,


From Grant:

I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I have worked hard my whole life to create wealth and success for myself, my family, and my community. I do not ever blame someone or fault them for being poor.

But I do not tolerate people who continue to stay in the mindset that being poor is a permanent condition. Throughout my life I have built my success by showing others how to increase their income. I have heard the worst cases, people who were handicapped, people who were addicted to drugs, people with too much debt. I have heard it all and I tell you that there is nothing so severe that you can’t overcome it and create massive success.

Make absolutely no mistake. It is not easy. Even if you have everything going for you, success is not easy. That’s where a fundamental change in what America used to stand for is to blame.

America, at least the America I grew up with, was about hard work and dedication. It was about ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and an inexhaustible desire to create massive amounts of success for yourself and you family. It seems that people today have moved away from that, thinking that success should be handed to them. Success is not a right, it is something that you have to work for. Everyone has the opportunity to achieve success but you have to be willing to work above and beyond what everyone else is willing to do.

Basic Rules to start your path towards Success:

1. Learn how to convince others of your point of view.

You have to learn how to sell others. If you cannot convince others on what you believe, then you will only be at the mercy of everyone else. If you’re raising money for a charity, you have to be able to convince others that this is an important cause. You have to sell them on the idea that their money is better spent with your charity or they will sell you on their idea that it’s best for them to hold on to their money. Selling has to be changed from a “dirty word” to a necessity for survival in today’s market, as necessary as air, water, and food.

2. Grab attention.

Selling someone on your ideas does no good if you don’t have anyone to sell your ideas to. I could be the greatest sales person in the world, but if I have no people to talk to, then my skills are a waste. You have to find ways to get people to you. One of the easiest ways to get people to you, is to go directly to them.  I went door to door for years building my first business. I did it until it seemed like I could no longer do it, and then I continued. I continued until everyone knew me and my service. I did this until people slowly started coming to me. I now have the attention of several industries who reach out to me to help them. But I never would have gotten there if I hadn’t dedicated myself to getting the attention of everyone that I could. I made a name for myself and those people eventually became my customers and bought from me.

3. Be persistent.

This is the one that I feel people are quickest to stop following. If you talk to anyone who has been successful they will tell you that one of the most important keys is to be persistent. You are going to have doors slammed in your face, people telling you no, and even others who will criticize you for what you do. You have to keep your nose to the grindstone and push through all of that. If you think that it’s going to be a quick and easy process then you will be quickly disappointed. Prepare yourself for a long and grueling process , because that’s what it takes. You might only be able to make a sale in1 out of every 100 presentations you do. That means you will have to hear no 99 times before you ever get a single yes. Unless you are willing to be persistent then you will undoubtedly give up and then blame everything else for your misgivings.

Being poor is never a person’s fault. But you have to decide that it’s not how you want to live anymore. By taking the above actions, you will take the first steps to getting yourself on the path to massive success. You will stand there, ten years from now, asking yourself why you didn’t start sooner!

by Grant Cardone; follow him at @GrantCardone or